We had a really busy week with the grandkids.
Lots of fresh air.
School time.
And long naps.
I have to admit that I've not yet gotten used to their pre-school schedule and not having them here all day, all week.
And even though they're in pre-school two mornings a week, I still want the rest of their time at Grandmas to be special, productive, and worthy.
So this week we bundled up and gathered leaves from the yard and up the road a ways to make a special Fall decoration for their mommies and dads.
Lots of fresh air.
School time.
And long naps.
I have to admit that I've not yet gotten used to their pre-school schedule and not having them here all day, all week.
And even though they're in pre-school two mornings a week, I still want the rest of their time at Grandmas to be special, productive, and worthy.
So this week we bundled up and gathered leaves from the yard and up the road a ways to make a special Fall decoration for their mommies and dads.
I had to laugh as we went walking down the road and Ellis, carrying her basket to put leaves in, goes, "I'm Little Red Riding Hood!"
Would that make Hunter the Big Bad Wolf.....?
Both kids love craft time, but I think Hunter has a better time.
Especially when there's glitter involved!
He really concentrates when he's working on crafts, whether it's a painting project or stringing beads.
Our project this week was to string pretty Fall leaves onto autumn-colored braided string (for a better description).
I had already added the pretty beads to it so all the kids had to do was stick the leaf stem up into the beads, which would hold them in place.
Aunt Georgia, the one on the left is for you! Ellis made you a Fall decoration, but after I explained that the leaf was going to dry and become crumbly and it wouldn't make it to Kalama, she opted to have a picture taken of her holding it up for you.
So there you have it! Enjoy!
Ellis made several "leaves" that she was going to share with her mom and daddy.
Hunter hasn't decided, yet, who he's giving his leaves to. He thought maybe Grandma Wendy or Grandma Jill. The decisions of a three year old.
Regardless, they were both so very proud of their projects.
And this little darlin is Avery.
It's one of the few pictures I have of her because she's always moving so quickly.
All I seem to get is a picture of her ear. Or her hair. Or her jacket. Or her butt. Something other than a cute picture of this adorable little girl.
But rest assured, we DO have a third grandchild that we take care of!
Ellis got into sending emails this past week (or maybe it was last week....).
She sat at my computer and just typed away.
Every few seconds, she would hesitate. Then with her index finger would hit the bracket key. Then the B key. Then continue typing away.
A few seconds later, she'd do the same thing.
With the same keys.
As if she actually knew what she was doing.
She's certainly watched her mom (or maybe me) type!
We sent off emails to her mom, dad, Grandma MiMi and Grandpa Steve, Aunt Georgia, and Josh and Shodie.
And was thrilled to get responses back!
So much, that I got a kiss!
I'm sorry if you weren't on her initial list of emails, but maybe next time.
Later.... Nancy

She sat at my computer and just typed away.
Every few seconds, she would hesitate. Then with her index finger would hit the bracket key. Then the B key. Then continue typing away.
A few seconds later, she'd do the same thing.
With the same keys.
As if she actually knew what she was doing.
She's certainly watched her mom (or maybe me) type!
We sent off emails to her mom, dad, Grandma MiMi and Grandpa Steve, Aunt Georgia, and Josh and Shodie.
And was thrilled to get responses back!
So much, that I got a kiss!
I'm sorry if you weren't on her initial list of emails, but maybe next time.
Later.... Nancy

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